Friday, 10 July 2009

A Blog in Me

Has everyone been told they should write a book? Is there a book in all of us? Do you, like me, have family and friends who tell you, "You should be writing!" "You need to write about that!" "Why aren't you writing?"

Doesn't everyone like to write, and isn't it true that you don't always read everything your friends pound out?

For whatever reason, and I have to admit it is laziness, I don't write more than the occasional vignette. I keep thinking, who cares what I have to say? But damn, I don't always care what others have to say and that doesn't stop them from writing and even getting paid for it. I'll never give Charles Krauthammer the time of day, for instance. George Will? Can rarely be bothered.

So, in order to satisfy those family and friends who make me feel that I should at least explore the idea of putting my thoughts to paper, I've decided that even if I don't have a book in me, I think I have a blog post or two.

Stay tuned.